Wednesday 10 April 2013

Worky woes

I'm old. I've learned some important life lessons. I won't bore you with the details but basically don't let anyone link your name with your blog when you are bitching about your work.

Don't ask me how I know.

Okay, I know because one time I was up for reasonably good promotion that I'm really fucking glad I didn't get but back then I kinda wanted it and the other person who was up for the job found my profile name on a dating site and went boink boink boink and found my blog where I had made one negative comment in a sea of awesome 'I love this place' kind of stories and shit hit the fan. I didn't get the new position, I quit the job I did have and forever damaged my relationship with the owner of the company who just happened to be one of the best and oldest friends. Yes, I handled the whole situation extremely bad due my devastation that the personal information on the rest of my blog was found out but fuck you who are you to tell me what I should have done, mutherfukr? What.

Anywhoo... I won't be making that mistake again. If you figure out who I am from reading this? Don't fucking tell anyone or I'll slit your throa... just kidding. I rarely make the same mistake twice.

As I mentioned, I am tremendously glad I didn't get that job because if I had I wouldn't be where I am right now. And I love my job. Didn't always love the boss but that's another story for another post. Today's story is about the attitudes of your subordinates and where those attitudes come from.

GMP, the captain of our ship (who yesterday someone aptly referred to as "a pit-bull in a chiwawa's body') goes through phases of having it in, giving it to and taking it out on various staff members. I mean, she is really good at the business side of things... just a LOT lacking in the interpersonal skills department. I had my own extensive turn on the toe of her boot and it wasn't pretty.

Well, it looks like it's RAT's turn right now. The woman has only worked there for five years but suddenly has an "attitude problem" and tomorrow the boss is going to give her a stern talking to about her work ethic. But here's the real issue: GMP was off for the past two days and left MAT in charge. MAT says she totally doesn't want to be the boss but goes on quite the little power trip when she is number one in command. So she makes demands and gets irate when someone doesn't jump at her bidding. Neither of MAT or GMP seem to realize that people react to the way you speak to them as much as the words you say. If you try to boss a strong willed 50 year old woman around, she is not going to like it. She is not going to hurry to do everything you tell her and take the initiative to do even more just because you barked orders at her like she was some kind of disobedient dog.

Why is it that GMP and MAT are appalled by her bad attitude but I find that RAT does everything I ask her to do, in a timely and efficient manner. Could it be that she prefers to be treated with a little dignity and respect? No. Jesus, how silly of me. Sorry. I must be an idiot.

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